Brief Biography
Christopher Wilkins served in the Welsh Guards in London and abroad. He saw active service in Aden and the Radfan and was seconded to command an infantry company in the Oman. During his time in the army he read for the bar and attended the school of Military Intelligence.
When he left the army he joined the Sunday Times, but after three years moved on and – with two friends – established a free sheet newspaper. They developed that into a weekly group with a circulation of 100,000 and sold it. The next twelve years were spent building a waste-paper processing and international trading company, which he sold. Following that he became the founding chairman and architect of an intelligence-gathering organisation that he named "Hakluyt"; it continues to flourish. He has also been involved in providing political and presentational advice.
Currently he is chairman of a renewable energy company and lives in London and the Scottish Borders. He was a member of the Scottish Economic Council for ten years.
Among his interests are architecture, history and horses. Recently he has been researching and writing about the late fifteenth century.
Further Information
For more information on The Last Knight Errant, Sir Edward Woodville and the Age of Chivalry please click here |